Kristen Nash tells me she has good news tomorrow morning for Merle Haggard fans. Apparently, he's doing quite well after undergoing lung surgery a few months ago. Good for him! He's always been one of my favorites.
If the weatherman is right (and that's a big IF), tomorrow morning's commute could be a little rough. Be sure to join myself, along with Shelia Quinn's award-winning news and Paul Hayden's traffic reports, and of course, the latest in cancellations and delayed openings.
Here's an update of the guy we were talking about this morning, James Howarth, a Detroit attorney. He received a letter from the IRS saying he owed them five cents and if he didn't pay it, he would be subject to penalties and/or interest. THEN, he received another letter from them saying that THEY owed HIM four cents, and to get it, he would have to request the refund in writing (remember, the stamp would cost him 42 cents). It's funny how when you owe them a nickel, payment is mandatory, but when they owe you four cents, you have to ask for it. Here's the update, Howarth told reporters this afternoon that he called the IRS 800 number to try to get this whole thing straightened out, but he was on hold for so long, he gave up. Here's what I would do if I was this guy. Since he's an attorney, he should bill the IRS $400.00 an hour for his time.
Elsewhere, over the weekend, Daniel Huber of the University of Tampa reports that sharks do not have the powerful bite everyone thinks they do. According to Huber, lions and tigers have a much more powerful bite than a shark. It's just that a shark has much more sharper teeth. Are we supposed to be happy about this? Does any of this make ANY difference to anyone whose actually being attacked by one of these animals?
Finally, Happy Birthday today to TV personality Charlie Rose. I owe Charlie an apology. I mentioned this morning that I didn't think his show was still on TV. but I've been told that, amazingly, it IS still on. It's a great show to watch...........if you're having trouble sleeping. Without a doubt, THEE most boring show on television. The Weather Channel's more exciting. In fact, even Charlie himself looks like he has trouble staying awake for his own show. He kind of looks the way I do at the Tuesday morning promotions meeting here at Thunder. Here's a picture of Charlie taken after an apparent sleep-walking accident.
Talk to you tomorrow.