Anytime there's an awards show on TV, it's Kristen Nash who usually covers it for us in the mornings, for two reasons. One, they're on past my bedtime. Two, I just can't stand watching these Hollywood phonies and the equally mindless audiences these shows seem to attract, who slobber and fall all over themselves at whatever nonsense comes out of the mouths of these alleged actors and actress. (Note: I DO try to watch the country music awards because THEY'RE real). All of this brings us to Matt Damon, who was recently being interviewed by the Miami Herald about foreign affairs, during which time, he said of Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, "He's an idiot".
Kristol's response was to challenge Damon to a public debate on defense and foreign policy at a time and place of Damon's choice. The website,, jumped in and offered to pay $100,000.00 to Damon's favorite Charity IF he'll show up and debate. We'll see what happens. My guess is nothing. The really BIG question here though, is WHY would anybody interview Matt Damon about foreign policy!!??????? I guess Cameron Diaz wasn't available.Finally, it's hard to believe that this much time has passed, but it was twenty-five years ago today, that while filming a Pepsi TV commercial, Michael Jackson accidentally SET HIS HAIR ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily, this happened back in 1984, before Jackson's face was made of wax.
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