Friday, January 16, 2009


Catch Up, Hats Off To "Sully" & Enough Already With The Inauguration

First, my apologies. I've been remiss is getting entries in this week. This is difficult for some people to understand, but getting up at 3:30 every morning is awful. Now, I realize it's part of the job and I knew that when I took the job. I also realize that I'm not alone. A lot of YOU might also get up at 3:30 or thereabouts every morning. For you, no explanation is necessary. For those of you whose lives are a little more normal, let me explain that it's not just the getting up at 3:30 that's awful. That goes without saying, and just about everybody has done it occasionally. But when you do it day in and day out, it affects your entire life. You're constantly tired. I always tell people it's like having mononucleosis. By one or two o'clock in the afternoon, it's truly an effort to stay awake.

I usually take a nap (voluntarily or involuntarily) around 2 o'clock everyday. I get back up around 4 and it's then that I usually do these entries. Like everybody else, I have errands that must be taken care of almost everyday. I've somewhat got my schedule down to getting out of the station between 10:30 and 11:00, take care of whatever I have to take care of, and getting home before Rae has to carry me around like a scene from Weekend At Bernie's. It just so happened, this week, there was a lot going on and I wasn't getting home until around 3 in the afternoon. A few times, I tried, at that point , to sit down and do a blog entry and literally fell asleep at the computer.

My producer for More In The Morning, traffic guy and all-around cowboy, Paul Hayden and Dave Adler, morning man at our sister station have often talked about this "sleep, wake up and do something, sleep, wake up and do something" syndrome we're all involved in. We all agree that you have to be in it to "get it". What's the point of all this? Well, there are two. First, I could lie to you and say there was some "computer glitch" and that's why there were no entries made over the last few days, OR I can tell you truth. I prefer to tell you the truth. Secondly, it's to let you know that there will be some days when there's just not enough time to get an entry in and I hope you'll understand. I can promise you I will try my best.

With all that out of the we go!

First of all, let me share a couple of pictures with you. These are pictures I promised to get on for you. Here's Felix Goldshtein, recipient of our Dumb Criminal Award this week and maybe for the year!
Felix decided to rob a bank in Stow, Ohio. He did a few things wrong. First, he walked into the bank with a toy gun. Secondly, he was wearing a ski mask. But the third one is the big one. HE STOOD IN LINE AND WAITED HIS TURN!!!!!!!!!! THE BIG DOPE STOOD IN LINE AND WAITED HIS TURN! He did manage to get out with some cash, but the police were waiting for him when he got outside. I guess his thinking was, "If I stand in line with everyone else, I won't draw any attention to myself". I think this guy needs to find another line of work. I don't think he's got this whole bank robber thing down. By the way, Ohio in January, I'm surprised all the of the customers weren't wearing ski masks.

The next picture I promised you was that of Marcelino de Jesus Martinez.
Do you see now what I meant when I said this creep looks like something you'd see in the seafood showcase at the Giant? This is the guy who tried to sell his 14-year old daughter for $16,000.00, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat. The only reason police found out about it is because when the guy Martinez made the deal with didn't pay up, MARTINEZ WENT TO THE POLICE TO COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!! He was arrested on suspicion of human trafficking. If he's found guilty, there's an irony here. Here's a guy who tried to sell his 14-year old daughter for $16,000.00, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat. If he goes to prison, HE'LL be sold for a pack of cigarettes.

Hats off to U.S. Airways pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, whose quick-thinking, bravery, professionalism and competence saved the lives of the 150 people on the U.S. Airways plane that was brought down by a flock of geese (Wasn't that a rock group in the 80's? Oh. that was a Flock of Seagulls. Never mind). They're calling it "The Miracle On The Hudson". U.S. Airways immediately imposed, on every one of the passengers, a $25.00 "Miracle" fee.

On the political scene this week, Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State hearings went smoothly as expected. There were a few tense moments. At one point, two Republicans asked her about her husbands fundraising and speaking events overseas and whether or not that might be a conflict of interest. She responded to the questions. Then stared intently into the eyes of the two Republicans........

...........until suddenly, their heads exploded!!!!!!!!!!

(Alright, I made that last part up)

Finally, if you listen to me in the morning with any regularity (and regularity is a good thing as you get older), you probably figured out that I didn't vote for Barack OH-bama for President. However, the majority of people in this country did, and I respect that. He seems like a nice enough guy. We just don't agree politically. I'm sure I would love to hang out with him at Hard Times at Happy Hour. I'm just not sure that he was the best choice for President. But honestly, and I really mean this, I hope I'm wrong. He's the President of the United States and I respect that and I support him all the way as every American should. However, I've had it with the inauguration. Enough already. The media in this country is way over the top with the coverage of it. They cramming it down our throats and insist that we recognize that this is the greatest event that has ever taken place in the history of the planet Earth, "A Historic Event". Of course it's a historic event. It's a presidential inauguration. We have one every four years, and if he's going to be a President who represents ALL Americans, then this really is no bigger or smaller than any of the previous inaugurations of the past.

Let's keep it in perspective.

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